
Family Diving Cruise

Not your average family getaway


Turn family time into adventure time

Komodo National Park was declared a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1991. The National Park includes the three larger islands of Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller islands.

The dive spots around Komodo offer unbelievable variety. One day you can admire rare critters creatures in the morning and in the afternoon drift along with giant mantas and schools of big-eye jacks. There are patch reefs, bommies (pinnacles), sheer walls, and shallow coral gardens to be explored. There are more than 1000 fish species, 260 species of corals, 70 different sponge species, 17 species of whales and dolphins and at least 2 different kinds of sea turtles living in the waters of Komodo National Park.

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Click on the marks to see frequently visited stop overs


Saleh Bay & Moyo

A new addition to our route stop overs the bay of Saleh is a huge bay just south east of the island of Moyo. Depending on where the beginning of the trip starts it is almost always possible to move the ship into this bay for a day and see the traditional fishing boats the locals call ‘Bagan’. Wake up before sunrise and take a view of the dark scenery out on the deck and watch as many of these local fishing boats attach anchovies and krill into their nets. By attracting them with lights the ships look like intensely shimmering stars right on the horizon where sky meets the sea. Once sunrise comes the fishermen bring up the nets and sort their catch for the day, and here is the important part; The locals and the whale sharks in the area have formed a symbiotic relationship with each other, as the whale sharks come up and feed on the fisherman catch that spill over when hauling in their nets. This then will be our chance to take you snorkelling with a few whale sharks.



A definite highlight of the dive site are the hot underwater springs. The volcanic island send up gas bubbles from the black sand forming a magnificent contrast to the huge black corals and sea fans. If you look closely here you can find pygmy seahorses on the sea fans. Other Dive sites around the island, such as Masuk Sungai, Pohon Mera and Tanjung Barat offer fascinating dives. Soft and hard corals are fighting for the best places, countless nudibranchs, pipefish, frogfish, seahorses and cuttlefish can be admired.On the island itself there are two active volcanoes, the Doro Api and Doro Montoi. At the hot and dry coastal area, savannah-like grasslands have formed with shrub vegetation. From the deck of the Pindito you can regularly observe large water buffalo grazing. Due to the volcanic origin the sand is black, which offers a stunning contrast to the remaining vegetation, both above and below water.





Banta has two of the most famous dive sites, the “Banta Corner” and the “GPS point”. With regular strong currents in the open water, these dive sites are just for big fish encounters. With a little luck you will find swarms of surgeon fish, red snapper, mackerel of all kinds, and of course barracudas, white tip sharks and grey reef sharks.  For lovers of night-dives “Critters” is a highlight of the tour! Here, all the animals “hang” out in the sand: hunting lionfish, stonefish and wandering octopuses. The stars of the evening, however, are the Stargazers who bury themselves almost unrecognizable in the sand, waiting to be discovered.

Manta Rays in Komodo National Park - Pindito Liveaboard



Tatawa Besar & Gili Lawa Laut

The small island of Tatawa Besar is located to the north of Rinca which means warmer waters! The island always has some slight current. It is perfect for a relaxing drift dive along the approximately 0.6 mile long island. You drift very relaxed along a slanted slope that is covered with beautiful yellow and orange soft coral. With a bit of luck, Mantas can be seen here. “Karang Toko” and “Batu Batu Dekat” at Gili Lawa Laut are first class dive sites. These are two drop offs which are perfect for divers. You’ll be taken in by the amount of fish in the water and hardly have time to notice the stunning beauty of the surrounding reefscape. Again the whole array of pelagic fish will come in from jacks in all shapes and forms to white tip and grey reef sharks. If you like adrenalin rushes, the “Shotgun” will top this experience with a roller coaster dive. This beautiful wall, surprises ever again with its varying strong currents.

Komodo National Park

Komodo National Park was declared a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1991. It lies in the region of the Sunda Islands (aka Nusa Tenggara). The National Park includes the three larger islands of Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller islands. The total area covers 1817 km2. Originally the Park was established as a protection zone for the Komodo goannas. Later the focus was changed to the conservation of the regions entire flora and fauna, on land as well as underwater.
The dive spots around Komodo offer unbelievable variety. One day you can admire rare macro creatures in the morning (“critters”) and in the afternoon drift along with giant mantas and schools of big-eye trevally jacks. There are patch reefs, bommies (pinnacles), sheer walls, and shallow coral gardens to be explored. There are more than 1000 fish species, 260 species of corals, 70 different sponge species, 17 species of whales and dolphins and at least 2 different kinds of sea turtles living in the waters of Komodo National Park. You will love it!
The famous Komodo Islands with their “Komodo Dragons” will be visited on every Family Dive Cruise. Komodo dragons are actually giant monitor lizards, the largest of all the lizards reaching a length of nearly 10 feet and weighing 150lbs! A guide from the National Park Service will lead this excursion keeping everybody safe and sound. They are experts in the local flora and fauna (water buffalos, birds, goannas, dragons, etc.) and they’ll share their knowledge during treks along island paths through the bush.

Komodo Dragon in Komodo National Park
Komodo Dragon in Komodo National Park
Dampier Straight

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Raja Ampat


6400 US$

per Person

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Departure: SOQ

Jan 27, 2025


Arrival: SOQ

Feb 07, 2025


BIODIVERSITY HITS THE HIGH POINT Let us show you around Pindito’s gigantic playground, made up of hundreds (if not thousands!) of dive sites. Edi is one of the real pioneers of Raja Ampat, having not only discovered numerous sites but also must hold some kind of record for the highest amount of dives around here. And still counting! Raja Ampat, which means “4 Kings” lies in the Coral Triangle. The four main islands are Misool, Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo. This expanse of 40,000 square kilometers of marine territory and pristine reefs make these waters a diving haven second to none. Reputed to be the most biodiverse marine habitat on Earth, Raja Ampat is home to many species not found anywhere else. Spectacular, is a word often used to describe this region and is irresistible to divers.

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Raja Ampat: A Fantastic Journey (Wildiaries)


6400 US$

per Person

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Departure: SOQ

Feb 10, 2025


Arrival: SOQ

Feb 21, 2025


Ten full days in the company of whale and dolphin-watching experts. We do snorkelling and photography in placid blue-water mangroves and coral reef. The crew will arrange village visits for you to meet their friends on remote islands. This trip is very much catered for a mixture of activities, as we have plenty of guides and tenders to arrange whatever you want to do. If you're a diver, we can dive up to three times a day. Non-diving partners enjoy this trip just as much and often see much of the same wildlife.

What you will see is rarely encountered whales and dolphins of species you may never have heard of (and some you have). You'll snorkel on some of the most precious and beautiful coral reef in the world, while cruising in luxury on a converted wooden sailing ship around a World Heritage listed region and one of the world's most extraordinary landscapes.

The presence of naturalists on board with presentations of what we were seeing and thus helping us learn more about the water world we were experiencing made this trip unique. While the kind of wildlife trip is not uncommon for land based learning, the sea based that we had with Wildiaries beats anything else of which I have knowledge. It was truly a unique experience and one worth repeating." -Susan, US

This program is led by Wildiaries’ founder, photography and whale and dolphin expert Simon Mustoe and Sea Turtle Foundation’s Tim Harvey. It offers a rare opportunity to encounter rarely seen whales and dolphins including possibly Orcas, Pilot Whales, Sperm Whales, Bryde's whales, Spinner and Pan-tropical Spotted Dolphins. We also look for Red Birds of Paradise, have the chance to swim with Oceanic Manta Rays and observe a wealth of other ocean wildlife.

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6400 US$

per Person

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Departure: SOQ

Feb 24, 2025


Arrival: KAI

Mar 07, 2025


NOT YOUR AVERAGE DIVING VACATION The search for your one-of-a-kind diving adventure is over. Immerse yourself in the unspoiled waters of Kaimina that is home to mystical species that have yet to be discovered. A slice of coral paradise in the remote and mostly untouched archipelago waits to be claimed. This isn’t your same old, never bold diving vacation. This is a mind busting getaway of a whole new level. Experience one of the best marine wonderlands Indonesia has to offer and add an unforgettable experience to your bucket list of life-changing trips.

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